Transition Services
ICCD offers a variety of transition services to assist families navigate what can be a long, confusing, and often emotional process of transitioning a child from Special Education to Adult Services. While often characterized as “dropping off a cliff,” a successful transition can happen with advance knowledge and individualized planning. Our ICCD transition staff have extensive training, knowledge, and experience in a variety of areas to support individuals and their families.
Transition Focused Assessment
Conducted using a combination of formal and informal tools designed to gather a full picture of an individual’s strengths, interests, and areas of need with a focus on promoting successful outcomes. The evaluator works directly with the individual and gathers input and information from caregivers and educators. Each assessment is individualized as determined by need, but can include the following: *
- Vocational
- Community access
- Adaptive behavior
- Goal planning
Goal Focused Individualized Transition Services (GFITS)
One-on-one training sessions in the office or community setting, focused on identified transition and life skills. This service is often requested by parents and school districts for individuals who require a more intensive and individualized approach to skill development.
Transition Skills Groups
Virtual and in-person groups for individuals ages 14-22, designed to teach critical transition skills. Key areas of focus include the job search process, interview preparation, personal finance management (banking and budgeting), setting and achieving short- and long-term goals, mastering daily living activities, and accessing community resources.
Parent Training / Support Groups
Virtual and in-person groups for parents and caregivers seeking information and knowledge and who wish to connect with others navigating the transition process.
Consultation / Case Management
Our consultants work with school districts, programs, and parents seeking specialized transition support. We ensure that the right services, instructional strategies, and protocols are in place to fully prepare students for a successful transition from school to adulthood.
Individual School Program Review
This service is often requested when a family or school Team is concerned about whether the individual is accessing instruction and if the educational services, accommodations, and curriculum align their individual needs. In addition to conducting an observation in the school setting, the consultant will review relevant background information, as well as interview caregivers and educators to offer comprehensive recommendations surrounding necessary interventions and supports aimed at promoting effective progress.
Community-Based Observations
This service is provided when it is necessary to gather information and data on an individual’s skills and abilities within the community setting. This may include the vocational placements, shopping, banking, eating at a restaurant, accessing the library, riding public transportation, or accessing recreational activities.
Training / Professional Development
With deep expertise in the transition process, we offer a variety of trainings on key areas of transition.
Examples include:
- Transition Assessment: Best Practices
- Job Coaching 101
- Transition Services in Today’s World
Learn what Transition really means and what the beginning of the process should look like. Prepare for the realities when Special Education ends and about the difference between an Educational Entitlement and Adult Eligibility. Know the laws defining the Transition process under IDEA, what a Chapter 688 referral is, and when it should happen. Review what a good Transition Planning Form (TPF) looks like and know that it’s not a copy and paste from the IEP. Discover the types of assessments your child should have and ensure they are ongoing as they play a crucial role in advocating for appropriate services.
For those already in the Transition Process (age 14-18): Together we will break down what adult services really means. DDS, MRC, and DMH are some of the State agencies that provide services when school ends, and it is important to know what agency may make sense (or, that you can work with more than 1), as well as how the referral process works and what it really looks like after school ends. Learn about other resources and public benefits such as AFC, PCA, SSI, Guardianship, Food Assistance, and Housing programs, just to name a few, that are all available to help fund your child’s adult life once school ends (and many that can begin now). Take time to think forward — will your child work, attend a day program, live at home, or are there other options available. Determine what your child’s vision is and what strengths and challenges will allow your child to achieve their/your vision. Along with your child’s Team, host a Future’s Planning Party to gather and brainstorm on these short and long term goals. Examine if your child’s school placement is appropriate based on that vision. For all this and much more, we want to help prepare you for what lies ahead and be a trusted resource during the process.
For students in the final phase of Transition (age 18-22): We work quickly to ensure families are up to speed on the many topics mentioned above. We then coach parents and prioritize the process. Knowing time is ticking, having an idea (or at the very least, discussions) about what’s next, both short and long term, becomes imperative at this phase. It is then crucial to maximize the final years of your child’s education, teaching skills to align with their goals. Parents play a key role by working with the Team to ensure compliance with transition laws that aim to ensure students will live, work and attend post-secondary education as independently as possible when they leave school. During the final two years of special education the school system makes a Chapter 688 Referral. This process sets in motion the creation of an ITP (Individualized Transition Plan) and alerts the adult service agencies about your child’s needs once school services end. Although your child’s team may agree and make a 688 Referral to an agency, there is no guarantee that eligibility will be granted for adult services, or that funding and/or space will be available. While appeals are an option, preparing for uncertainty presents challenges we can guide you through. We work closely with families to explore traditional and non-traditional adult service options, included but not limited to: Community Based Day Programs, Employment Agencies, Group Homes, Social and Recreation Programs, and Transportation options.
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